
About Keffi Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Keffi local government area is in Nasarawa state, Northcentral geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The headquarters of the LGA are in the town of Keffi and the area consists of several districts which include Ganta, Fagidi, Dan Dabi, Jigwada, Saura, Kaibo Mada, Tunayi, and Tila. The estimated population of Keffi LGA is put at 159,613 inhabitants with the vast majority of the area’s populace made up of member of the Gwndara ethnic group. The Gwandara language is widely spoken in the LGA while the religions of Islam and Christianity are commonly practiced in the area. Keffi LGA is part of the Keffi Emirate and has a number of notable landmarks which include the Nasarawa state University and the Federal Medical Centre, Keffi.


Keffi LGA occupies a total area of 138 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 30 degrees centigrade. The area witnesses two major seasons which are the dry and the rainy seasons while the average humidity level in the LGA is put at 42 percent.


A number of mineral deposits are found in Keffi LGA and these include Tin and Columbite. Farming is also a key economic activity in the area with crops such as millet, sorghum, yams, and cotton grown in the area. Trade also flourishes in Keffi LGA with the area hosting several markets such as the Kefi cattle market which attracts hundreds of buyers and sellers. Other important economic activities undertaken by the people of Keffi LGA include animal rearing and craftsmanship. Keffi also hosts a number of banks, hotels and institutions both privately and publicly owned.

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