Akuku Toru

About Akuku Toru Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Akuku toru is a local government area found in Rivers state, Southsouth Nigeria. The LGA shares borders with Degema LGA, the Atlantic ocean, Asari Toru LGA, and Nembe LGA of Bayelsa state. The headquarters of Akuku toru LGA is in the town of Abonnema and the area comprises of several towns and villages which include Abonnema, Obonoma, Soku, Elem-Sangama, Abissa, Idama, Opukiri, and Lelekiri.

The population of Akuku toru LGA is estimated at about 288,945 inhabitants with the vast majority of the area’s dwellers being members of the Kalabari ethnic division. The major languages spoken within Akuku toru include Kalabari and English languages while Christianity and traditional religion are the commonly practiced faiths. Popular festivals held in Akuku toru include the Kalabari masquerade festival while important landmarks in the area include the Soku gas gathering plant and the San Barth Manifold.


Akuku toru LGA covers a total area of 4350 km squared with over 65 percent of this area covered by water. The area has a humidity of 90 percent with average temperature at 25 degrees centigrade. The Akuku toru local government area has two main seasons which are the dry and rainy seasons with the rainy season characterized by frequent and heavy showers.


Akuku toru has enormous deposits of crude oil and natural gas and the activities of multinational and local oil exploring firms contribute the most to the economy of the area. Fishing is also a popular economic engagement in Akuku toru LGA owing to the vast areas covered by water within the area.


Akuku toru LGA was created in 1990 from Degema local government area.

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