
About Obio/akpor Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Obio Akpor local government area is situated within Rivers state, South-south geopolitical enclave of Nigeria with its headquarters in the Rumuodomaya district of the Port harcort City metropolis. Obio Akpor LGA shares boundaries with the Port Harcourt, Oyigbo, Ikwerre, and Emohua LGAs. Districts that make up Obio Akpor LGA include Elelenwo, Nkpelu, Rumueme, Rumuokoro, Woji, Trans-Amadi, Rumuoji, and Choba. The estimated population of Obio Akpor LGA is put at 369,488 inhabitants with the area hosting members of diverse ethnic affiliations chief of which is the Ikwerre tribe. The Ikwerre and Pidgin English languages are commonly spoken in the area while the religion of Christianity is extensively practiced in the area.


Obio Akpor LGA occupies a total area of 260 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 25 degrees centigrade. The area falls within the Mangrove forest zone and has an average humidity level of 73 percent. Obio Akpor LGA witnesses two seasons which are the dry and the rainy seasons with the rainy seasons in the area usually characterized by heavy and frequent showers.


Trade is a critical aspect of the economy of Obio Akpor LGA with the area hosting a number of markets such as the Obio Akpor International market in Rukokpu. Obio Akpor LA also hosts a number of industries, financial institutions, schools, hotels, restaurants, relaxation spots and government-owned institutions which all contribute to the economy of the LGA.


Obio Akpor LGA was created on the 3rd of May 1989.

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