
About Degema Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Degema local government area is situated in Rivers state, Southsouth Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Degema. The towns and villages that make up Degema LGA include Bokana, Usokun, Elem Ama, Tombia, Bille, Obuama, Degema, and Bukuma. The population of Degema local government area is estimated at 138,941 inhabitants with the majority of the area’s dwellers being members of the Degema and Ijaw tribal divisions. The Ijaw and Degema dialects are widely spoken in the area while Christianity is the commonly practised religion in the area. Degema LGA is home to a number of festivals which include the Agiri festival while the popular landmarks in the area include the Degema General Hospital.


Degema LGA falls within the Tropical Rainforest zone and covers a total area of 1,011 square kilometres. The area consists of several rivers and tributaries with the average temperature of the area fixed at 25.5 degrees centigrade. The total precipitation of Degema LGA is put at 3055 mm of rainfall per annum while the average humidity of the area is put at 89 percent.


Crop cultivation is a key feature of the economic life of Degema LGA with a number of crops such as cassava, oil palm, plantain, and yam grown in the area. Degema LGA is also blessed with abundant reserves of crude oil and natural gas. The area also has a River port that allows for the shipping of commodities and resources into and out of the area. Also, fishing is an important economic enterprise in Degema as the area’s rivers and tributaries are rich in sea food.


Degema local government area was created in the year 1967.

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