
About Bungudu Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Bungudu local government area is found in Zamfara state, Northwest geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The headquarters of the LGA are in the town of Bungudu and comprises several towns and villages which include Sankalawa, Gada, Karakkai, Furfurri, Kwai-kwai, Kotorkoshi, Dashi, Kwatarkwashi, and Mashema. Bungudu LGA has a population of 172,711 inhabitants with the major occupants of the area being the fulani and the Hausa. Islam is the most practiced religion in the area while the Hausa and fufulde languages are extensively spoken in the area. Bungudu LGA is home to the Bungudu Emirate which is superintended over by the Emir of Bungudu.


Bungudu LGA covers a total area of 2,293 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 35 degrees centigrade. The wind speed in the area averages 7 km/h while the humidity of the area is 15 percent. Bungudu LGA also witnesses two major seasons which are the dry and rainy seasons.


The people of Bungudu LGA are mostly subsistent farmers with the area producing a variety of crops. The other important economic activities in Bungudu LGA include hunting and pottery. Trade in the area is also a major contributor to the economy of Bungudu LGA with the area being home to several markets where a wide variety of commodities are sold.

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