
About Orlu Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Orlu local government area is found in Imo state, South-east geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The LGA is made up of several towns and villages such as Ogboko, Eziachi, Obinugwu, Obor, Umuna, Umutanze, Umuzike, Umudioka, and Ihioma. The LGA is part of the Orlu senatorial zone and has an estimated population of 393,071 inhabitants with the vast majority of the area’s dwellers being members of the Igbo ethnic group. The Igbo language is commonly spoken in the LGA while the religion of Christianity is extensively practiced in the area. The paramount ruler of Orlu LGA is known as the Igwe of Orlu while the popular festivals held in the area include the Ebuebu and Okorosha festivals. Notable landmarks in Orlu LGA include the Cheshire homes, Imo state University Teaching Hospital, and the Imo state School of Nursing and Health Technology.


Orlu LGA has an average temperature of 27 degrees centigrade with a number of rivers and streams flowing in the area. The LGA witnesses two distinct seasons which are the rainy season which usually occurs between the months of April-October and the dry season which usually falls between the months of November- March.


Orlu LGA has a vibrant trade sector and hosts a number of popular markets such as the Imo International market and the Orlu main market where a wide variety of commodities are bought and sold. The LGA also hosts several banks, industries, institutions of learning, hotels, relaxation spots, as well as government owned establishments which all contribute to the economy of the area.

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