Ado local government area is found in Benue state located within the Northcentral geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Ado LGA was created in 1991 and has its headquarter at Igumale. The towns and villages that constitute Ado local government area include Agila, Apa, Ulayi, Ijigbam, Utonkon, and Ekile. The estimated population of Ado LGA is pegged at 198,540 dwellers with the Idoma tribe as the dominant ethnic affiliation.
Ado local government area has a lot of Landmarks which include the Benue state cement factory.
Ado local government area has an average humidity of 74 percent with average temperature at 28 degrees centigrade. The topography of the area is characterized by flat, arable lands with rich alluvial soil.
The area is also known to have substantial quantities of limestone, coal, petrol, and kaolin. Ado is known for its very rich agricultural heritage with crops such as Yam, palm wine and a variety of fruits grown in large quantities.
Adavi was one of the first areas to be visited by European missionaries with the area being the site of the first mission school in the whole of Idomaland which is the Methodist high school Igumale.
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