Gwer west local government area is in Benue state, Northcentral Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Naka. Towns and villages that make up Gwer West LGA include Sengev, Tsambe, Tijime, Ikyagev, Mbabuande, Mbapa, Nyamshi, and Mbachohon. The estimated population of Gwer west LGA is 161,333 inhabitants with the area populated by members of the Tiv, Inhjaha, and Ityoshin tribal divisions. The Tiv language is extensively spoken in the area while the religions of Christianity and Islam are commonly practiced in the area. Notable landmarks in Gwer West LGA include the Naka Earth Dam.
Gwer west LGA covers a total area of 1,479 square kilometres and witnesses two major seasons which are the dry and the rainy seasons. The average temperature of Gwer west LGA is 28 degrees centigrade. The average humidity level in Gwer East LGA is 55 percent while total rainfall in the area is put at 1900 mm per annum.
Farming is the major occupation of the people of Gwer East LGA with crops such as Yam, maize, Beniseed, tobacco and soyabean grown in large quantities within the area. The LGA is also rich in mineral resources such as salt, byrite, limestone and clay. The LGA also hosts a number of markets such as the Ikyande market where a wide variety of commodities are bought and sold.
Gwer West LGA was created on the 29th day of September 1991 from the Gwer east LGA.
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