Agatu local government area is located in Benue state, Northcentral Nigeria and has its headquarter in the town of Obagaji. Created from Apa local government area in 1996, Agatu LGA is bordered by Apa and Gwer west LGAs and Kogi state. The major tribe in Agatu are the Idoma people while Christianity is the most practiced religion.
The population of Agatu LGA is estimated at 195,466 inhabitants while the area comprises of towns and villages such as Agbachi, Akolo, Akpeko, Egwuma, Ebete and Egba.
Agatu local government area has a rich cultural heritage with prominent festivals such as the New Yam and Alekwu festivals held in the area with pomp and pageantry.
The topography of Agatu LGA is characterized by a litter of highlands spread from east to west with flat arable lands. The western part of the area also consists of thick forests.
Agatu local government area is popular for its rich agricultural heritage with crops such as Yam, cassava, rice, beans, sorghum and melon cultivated in massive quantities. Agatu local government area is also rich in minerals such as limestone, anhydride, and kaolin.
Agatu LGA was created in the year 1996 after being carved out of Apa local government area.
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