Ekiti East

About Ekiti East Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Ekiti east local government area is found in Ekiti state, Southwest Nigeria and has its headquarters at Omuo Ekiti. The LGA is bordered by Kogi state, Ondo state, and the Ikole LGA. Towns and villages that make up Ekiti east local government area include Eremiji, Igbole, Suru, Omuo Ekiti, Araromi, Ilasa, Isinbode and Oda-do. The estimated population of Ekiti east LGA is put at 134,904 inhabitants with the vast majority of the area’s dwellers being from the Yoruba ethnic group. The commonly spoken language in Ekiti east LGA is the Yoruba language while Christianity and Islam are the widely practiced religions in the area. A number of colourful festivals are held in Ekiti East LGA and these include the Ayan festival.


Ekiti East LGA occupies a total area of 1,072 square kilometres with the area witnessing two major seasons; the dry and the rainy seasons. The average temperature of Ekiti East LGA is 28 degrees centigrade while the area has an average humidity of 69 percent.


Ekiti East LGA is home to several markets which include the Oja-Obadore and the Omuo community markets. The area’s markets provide veritable platforms for the acquisition and sale of a plethora of commodities by the inhabitants of the LGA. Farming is also a critical feature of the economic activities in Ekiti East LGA with a number of crops such as cocoa and maize grown in the area.

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