
About Bayo Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Bayo local government area is found in Borno state, Northeast Nigeria with the headquarters of the area situated in the town of Biriyel. Bayo LGA is part of the prestigious Biu Emirate and consists of towns and villages such as Biriyel, Gaidam, Gedaba, Maduya, Zange, Nyawi, Laro, Guburunde, and Chamgum. The prominent tribes in the area include the Kanuri and the Fulani with Islam as the commonly practiced religion. The population of Bayo LGA is estimated at 121,542 inhabitants with the kanuri and the Fufulde languages widely spoken within the area.


Bayo LGA covers a total area of 956 square kilometres and lies at 2,500 feet above sea level. Bayo local government area lies within the Savannah belt and features a topography consisting of hills and several rock formations. The temperature of the area is put at 33 degrees centigrade with humidity put at 13 percent.


Agriculture is an important economic activity in Bayo local government area with crops such as millet and sorghum grown in large quantities. Other economic activities engaged in by the people of Bayo local government area include hunting, pottery, mat making and commerce.


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