
About Mobbar Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Mobbar local government area is situated in Borno state, North-east geopolitical zone of Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Damasak. Mobbar LGA is part of the prestigious Borno Emirate and is made up of several towns and villages such as Uran, Tingiri, Garege, Ajiri, Gonigiro, Kauwa, Layi, and Ngaji. The estimated population of Mobbar LGA is put at 266,891 inhabitants with the area mostly populated by people from the Kibaku and Marghi ethnic affilations. The kibaku and Marghi languages are commonly spoken in the Mobbar LGA while the religions of Islam and Christianity are practiced in the area.


Mobbar LGA occupies a total area of 2790 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 33 degrees centigrade. The LGA witnesses two distinct seasons which are the dry and the rainy seasons while average wind speed in the LGA is estimated at 11 km/h.


Mobbar LGA is home to an agrarian populace with the area known for the cultivation of a number of crops such as millet, sorghum, and rice. The area is also known for the rearing and sales of a number of animals such as camels, horses, and rams. Trade also booms in Mobbar LGA with the area hosting several markets such as the Zari and Kare modern markets where a plethora of commodities are bought and sold.

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