
About Damboa Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Damboa local government area is located in Borno state, Northeast Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Damboa. The LGA comprises several towns and villages which include Mafi, Kawaram, Mangozam, Abulam, Abima, Talasla, Keloruwa, Ajigin, and Bulabulin Ngaura. Damboa LGA is a critical part of the Borno Emirate and has a population of 163,500 inhabitants. The major ethnic group in the area is the Hausa ethnic division while the Hausa language is the commonly spoken language in the area. Islam is the most practiced religion in Damboa LGA. Damboa LGA has been a flashpoint in the war against the Boko Haram insurgents who have consistently overrun the LGA bringing death and destruction to the area’s inhabitants.


Damboa LGA covers a total area of 6219 square kilometres and has an average temperature of 34 degrees centigrade. The average wind speed in the area is 12 km/h with the area witnessing two major seasons which are the dry and the rainy seasons.


Important economic activities in Damboa LGA include crop cultivation, cattle rearing, pottery, hunting and trade. The LGA has a number of markets such as the Damboa Township market where hundreds of buyers and sellers meet to exchange a plethora of goods and services.

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