
About Edatti Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Edati local government area is in Niger state, Northcentral Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Enagi. The LGA comprises of several towns and villages which include Katamba Bologi, Guza, Lenfabororo, and Enagi. The population of Edati LGA is estimated at 139,413 inhabitants with Islam and Christianity as the area’s widely practiced religions. Edati LGA comprises members of several ethnic affiliations such as the Nupe and the Gbagyi with the Hausa and the Nupe languages among the commonly spoken languages in the area. Popular festivals held in Edati LGA include the colourful Gani Bokungu festival while the area has several notable landmarks such as the Day Secondary School in Enagi.


Edati local government area covers a total area of 1,752 square kilometres and has the Kaduna river flowing through its territory and dividing the LGA into two parts. The average annual temperature of Edati LGA is put at 31 degrees centigrade while the average wind speed of the area is estimated at 10 km per hour.


A wide percentage of the inhabitants of Edati LGA are farmers with the area known for the cultivation of a number of crops such as Yam, cotton, millet, and rice. The area is also a major hub for the production and processing of Shea butter. Edati LGA also has a booming trade sector with the area hosting several markets which attract thousands of buyers and sellers within and around the area.


Edati local government area was created in the year 1996 from the Lavun local government area.

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