
About Gashaka Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Gashaka local government area is domiciled in Taraba state, Northcentral Nigeria and has its headquarters in the town of Serti. Gashaka LGA is made up of several towns and villages such as Danbarau, Gumti, Tungwa, Gangumi, Balewa, Kobaje, Lagaso, and Tonga. Gashaka LGA is home to the Gashaka Emirate which spans several decades. The estimated population of Gashaka LGA is 151,228 inhabitants with the majority of the area’s inhabitants being members of the Hausa, Fulani, Chamba, and Yandang tribal divisions. The extensively spoken languages in Gashaka LGA include the Hausa and Fufulde languages while Islam and Christianity are the widely practiced religions in the area. Notable landmarks in Gashaka LGA include the Referral Hospital Gashaka.


Gashaka LGA covers a total area of 8,393 square kilometres and falls within the tropical savannah zone. The LGA lies off the Mambilla Plateau and hosts the popular Gashaka Gumti national park. The area consists of a number of mountains such as the Gangirwal mountains which lies within the Gashaka Gumti park. The average temperature of Gashaka LGA is 29 degrees centigrade while the humidity level of the area is at an average of 38 percent.


Farming is the major economic enterprise in Gashaka LGA.  A variety of crops such as cocoa, maize, soyabeans and potatoes are grown in large quantities in the area. The area hosts a number of markets where a wide variety of commodities are bought and sold. Other important economic activities in Gashaka LGA include blacksmithing, hunting, and mat weaving.

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