Bindawa local government area is located in Katsina state with the headquarters of the area being in the town of Bindawa. Bindawa LGA consists of several towns and villages which include Ringin, Baushe, Gaiwa, Gire, Mawa, Gwanza, Jibawa, Kamri, Yangora, and Mazanya. The population of Bindawa LGA is estimated at 135, 401 inhabitants with the vast majority being members of the Fulani ethnic division. Fufulde is the widely spoken language in Bindawa while Islam is the commonly practiced religion in the area. Popular landmarks in the Bindawa LGA include the Lawaurrahaman Islamiya school.
Bindawa LGA covers a total area measuring 398 square kilometres with an estimated average annual temperature of 34 degrees centigrade. The average wind speed of Bindawa LGA is 10 km/h while the humidity of the area is pegged at 12 percent.
The inhabitants of Bindawa local government area are mainly subsistence farmers with a variety of crops grown within the area. Cattle rearing is also an important feature of the LGA while trade flourishes in the area as evidenced by the several markets that can be found within the area.
Bindawa local government area was created in the year 1989 by the Ibrahim Babangida led administration.
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