
About Daura Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Daura local government area is situated within Katsina state which is in the Northwest geopolitical enclave of Nigeria. Towns and villages that make up Daura LGA include Unguwar Tanawa, kanti, Rahmaima, Tudun Wada, Kofar Arewa, Kofar baru, and Unguwar Da’u. The population of Daura LGA is estimated at 146, 890 inhabitants with the major tribal affiliations being the Fulani and the Hausa. Daura LGA is home to the Daura Emirate and has the Emir overseeing the traditional affairs of the area. The popular languages spoken in Daura LGA include the Fufulde and the Hausa languages while Islam is the widely practiced religion in the area. A number of festivals are marked in Daura LGA and these include the Durbar festival.


Daura LGA has an estimated elevation of 474 meters above sea level with the humidity of the area averaging 14 percent. The average temperature of the area is 32.5 degrees centigrade while the average wind speed is 10 km/h. Daura LGA experiences two distinct seasons annually and these are the rainy and the dry seasons.


Agriculture is the major source of income for the people of Daura LGA. A variety of crops such as sorghum, millet, onions, cotton, and groundnuts are grown in the area while animals such as cows, goats and donkeys are reared in the LGA. Other important economic activities in Daura LGA include cotton weaving and leather works. The LGA is also rich in mineral deposits such as salt and potash.

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