
About Faskari Local Government Area (L.G.A)

Faskari local government area is situated within Katsina state, Northwest Nigeria and shares borders with the Funtua, Chafe, Birnin Gwari, and Sabuwa LGAs. A number of towns and villages make up Faskari LGA and these include Mairuwa, Unguwar ganye, Dakamawa, Kanon Haki, Monunu, Yankara, Sheme, and Shawu. The estimated population of Faskari LGA is 132,098 inhabitants with the majority of the area populated by members of the Fulani ethnic division.  The Fufulde language is extensively spoken in the area while Islam is the most practiced religion in the LGA.


Faskari LGA falls under the Northern-Guinea savannah zone and covers a total area of 1,750 square kilometres. The LGA has a tropical continental climate with an average temperature of 34 degrees centigrade. Faskari LGA has a number of rivers flowing through its territories and these include the Gauri River. The average humidity of the LGA is put at 20 percent.


A number of minerals are found in Faskari local government area and these include nickel, magnetite, graphite, potash, and quartz. Faskari LGA is also known for the cultivation of a number of crops such as cotton, soyabeans, groundnut, and guineacorn. Trade also booms in the LGA with the area hosting several markets where a plethora of commodities are bought and sold. Other important economic activities in Faskari LGA include hunting, cattle rearing, and cloth weaving.


Faskari LGA was carved out of Funtua local government area on the 15th of May 1989.

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